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Celebrating WIFTA

As Women In Film and Television Atlanta, WIFTA, looks to celebrate 50 years at their Gala this Saturday, let’s all send out a huge round of applause for this powerful group of women! Recently featured in Oz Magazine, Dr. Robyn Watson provided a fantastic history of the organization and what it means for our community.

My initial interaction with WIFTA was back in the early 2000s when I was a member and then Treasurer. Fast forward to last May when I had the honor of representing The Lola at a co-panel with the organization. The “Reel Mom’s” panel was a celebration of mothers in the industry. Alongside Emmy winning screenwriter Simone Hawthorne and moderated by GlenNata Griffin, the panel was a powerful opportunity for me to tell my story of building a community and networking – both of which are key to being a woman in the industry and especially being a mom. We also talked about rituals for life / work balance and how we manage the slow times.

So wonderful to feature The Lola and share how valuable of an organization it is, as it has been such a huge asset to me as I’ve grown Angelfish. Grateful too for the full circle moment of WIFTA coming back into my life.

Congratulations, WIFTA. Let’s keep this going!

Chris Glass Hartley

Storyteller. Executive Producer. Change Maker.

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